FedEx and USPS (United States Postal Service) are our preferred shipping methods. We have the ability to use all of their delivery options to ensure your needs are met. All orders are shipped via FedEx ground unless specified.
We accept all major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. You may also pay with PayPal.
We are required to charge sales tax in our home state of GA.
You can send a gift directly to a loved one and we will send the invoice to your billing address. Please call us at 1-888-453-6244 to place any kind of special order.
We charge a flat fee of $9.50 for FedEx ground shipping regardless of the weight of the package.
Orders usually ship within 2 business days (Monday - Friday, excluding holidays) of the date you place your order. FedEx ground delivery takes between 2 to 6 business days depending upon your location. (Domestic)
We will email you a tracking number so that you can track your order status online. If you need further assistance in tracking your order, please call us at 1-888-453-6244.
Most places, yes. Shipping and customs' fees/tariffs vary by location.
Individual shears are packaged in a protective plastic sleeve. Shears ordered as part of a Show Gear™ Set are pre-packaged in the accompanying Show Gear™ case with tension key and cleaning cloth.
Not a problem. Please contact us at info@showgearusa.com and we would be happy to assist you.
Please contact us with your question(s) and we will get back to you within two business days.